
Humpty is a 23 year old

former event horse

enjoying life with Alison.





Humpty is a 23 year old former event horse enjoying life with Alison 



Alison and Humpty made an emotional return to the British Dressage Arena. For Alison it was a 5 year wait and for Humpty it marked 10 years since his last competition and retirement.Ā 

The happy pair part qualified for the BD Veteran Championship with 2 great scores. The plan now is to return and complete the qualification with a view to competing at the Championship Show in November.Ā 



Follow Our Progress


Iā€™d like to invite you to join me as I school and care for Humpty. There is an invitation only Humpty Club circle in my Equestrian Heroes Rider Lounge. Here you will find content that is unique to this inner circle.Ā 


Place the Spotlight on Your HorseĀ 

Equestrian All Stars offers you the chance to place your horse or horses in the spotlight. You can have your own profile page so that you have a personal URL (web address). You will be Ā able to showcase your partnership, celebrate your success and promote your sponsors.Ā 


What's possible for you?

Spotlight your own journey with your horse when you join the Equestrian All Stars Team. 

Join Equestrian All Stars Team

Our Competition Journey 

Already My Champion 

Humpty and I first rode onto the centre line together at the end of August in 2022. We filmed our first walk trot test in our biggest challenge up to that point. I was still struggling with steering, balance and the pain and not convinced I’d be able to push past that for a whole test. I remember the overwhelming relief at the final salute that I still just about had it together to get through the test. Humpty did most of it and carried me safely through the test with his ears forwards. As this was an online test it was a short wait of a few days to find out our score. We posted 66% and a win. It’s one of the most cherished and toughest wins of my career. Overtime I’ve kept pushing myself to ride better and Humpty has learnt to read my mind in the moments when my legs don’t work or to switch to autopilot in the moments when it’s so painful I can’t think. 
Humpty is a double league champion with Online Dressage International and winner of multiple competitions in the last 10 months together. 
He is a true Champion friend who has changed my life for the better. 
Thank you to his owner Tina Ure for the opportunity to take this journey with her wonderful horse. 


Understanding Horse Care 

Working Together

Every horse is an individual with their own special character and personality. They are herd animals who need the companionship of other horses.  Humpty needs to know where his friends are at all times and will listen and call to them especially when they are not where he expected them to be. This in no way stops him from focussing on what we are doing and he’s always careful to look after me. 
I in turn do my best to look after him and there is a whole team of professionals who help me to keep him happy and healthy. Each season has its challenges but we work together to make sure he is well cared for and knows that he is loved and appreciated. 

Humpty Loves

Join the Action

British Horse Society Rideathon

Humpty has made it possible for me to enjoy hacking out again. 
I’ve signed up to complete 50 miles during July and hope that more riders will join this fantastic fundraiser organised by the BHS. 

My Rideathon Page

Results Highlights

Salvationā€™s Dressage Year

Humpty has made the Dressage arena his own.Ā 
I still remember clearly wondering if we would make it through a test at all because at the start I was still having steering challenges and he had to rescue me balance wise all the time! I have so many pinch me moments and talk to him all the time. When we go to test riding mode I switch the conversation to my mind and still he understands. Every test we share togetherĀ strengthens our bond and surprises me still at the performances we are able to present. šŸ§”

Buy Me Some Carrots

Treasured Judge Feedback

Our Personal Best Score 76.88%

"This pair is lovely in every way! The horse clearly loves his rider as well! Well Done! "

Who is Alison?

I love horses. It’s hard for me to go a day without being involved in the care of my favourite friends. I have always felt a connection to horses.

I enjoy Dressage because of the magical feeling of communicating through a language shared and agreed with my horse. It’s partly intuition, an emotional connection yet it’s also a clearly set out system for developing a partnership with your horse. The shapes and patterns that we describe together are a form of art. Science plays a part in horsemanship too. To form a bond with a horse we go beyond the hours spent riding. We treat our horses as equal partners and make sure they have the best of care. 


Download Your Memory BookĀ 

3 Ways to Celebrate Your Horse"

This is your invitation to create a new memory book celebrating your horse. Inside you will find guided Coach reflection exercises created to help you remember your horse and the journey you are taking together. I will help you to move forwards together from a place of positive focus.

Inside you will find templates that help you collate the photos that sit lonely on your phone. Iā€™m asking members of our Equestrian All Stars Team to share their photo walls with us in the All Stars Inner Circle . These will be your digital photo collages to share wherever you choose.Ā 

Every horse and rider can be a member of the All Stars Team. The guide will offer some guidance on developing your social media plan, approaching and working with sponsors and the simple steps you can take to create your Digital Media Profile.Ā 


Celebrate Your Horse Blog

British Dressage Debut

Salvation was excited to be at the venue and was assessing the new environment with a very surprised look on his face. He was very well behaved and stood rock solid whilst I got on. This is priceless and an essential part of his training. I could feel his tension and was relieved that he was looking to me for guidance, though he was holding himself together, I didnā€™t want to push my luck and risk his tension escalating.


Double League Champion

I first entered Online Dressage International in September 2022. I liked the structure offering progressively more challenging tests. I opted for the Veteran Entry Level ( walk trot ) class. Test A was very encouraging and at our first show we won with a PB of over 76% and the most fabulous feedback. I asked Tina to help me prepare for Test B and C because I was struggling a bit with steering still.


Horse & Hound Reader Issue

When I heard that Horse & Hound magazine were looking to feature Veteran horses in their Reader Issue I knew I wanted them to share our story. I contacted the features editor and told her all about my great fortune to meet Humpty and to spend time with him.


Humpty Loves šŸ§”

Every horse is an individual and whilst I have my preferences I always make sure that Humpty is happy and comfortable. There are some brands I have worked with a long time and Iā€™m happy to report that Humpty, like NeptuneĀ really enjoys hisĀ Equilibrium massage pad.Ā 
OurĀ Childeric saddle is new to us but we fell in love with it instantly. The care,support and Ā interest in the partnership is there for every horse and rider.Ā 
Humpty has inherited a few rugs from my previous horses but I treated him to his own wardrobe because he lives out and the right rug is essential for his comfort and wellbeing (and my peace of mind!) I useĀ Horseware because they fit so well and they have been my choice since 1992.

Humpty lives at Danesmoor Eventing where horse and rider thrive. You can join Sarah and I for aĀ Staycation with your horse and enjoy coaching with us on the flat and over fences.Ā 
Iā€™m always happy to explore working with brands who I feel are a great fit for my horses and I. Iā€™m always clear about not working with brands who might be similar to an existing team member and I only promote products that I have tested and believe in. Humpty too, will always have a say in the decision making process.Ā 

Brand Ambassador Request

Get in touch today to discuss your campaign goals and to explore ways in which Humpty and I might promote your company.Ā