Hi, I’m Alison! I can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams and goals.
I’m here to help you with your horse. I believe every horse is an individual with their own personality and strengths. I can help you build on these strengths to have more fun.

My Dressage Philosophy
Feel Good Dressage is about making Dressage fun for you and your horse.
Are you a busy rider who would like to enjoy Dressage without feeling stressed by the challenge? Do you ever feel like Dressage is hard work or maybe you struggle to communicate with your horse?
Would you like to do more with your horse but are not sure what to do and when?
Would you like to leave behind the stress of schooling concerns and tension to ride to form a connection with your horse based on empathy and trust?
Feel Good Dressage aims to help every rider experience the magic of Dressage with their horse so they enjoy their arena time.
I am a Professional Equestrian Coach & Business Mentor.
I have been a qualified Coach since 1994. I have been coaching online since 2005. My remote coaching practice grew as it became easier to connect with riders direct to their arena.

Completed Centre10 Course & Gold Hub CPD

Achieved ABM Foundation in Business Metoring

Owner of Equestrian Heroes Online Centre

British Dressage Recognised Coach & List 6 Judge

British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coach. Performance Centre Manager, Senior Coach, UKCC3

I have loved horses my whole life.
I have competed in a variety of disciplines from Polocrosse to showjumping and have been in love with Dressage since 2003.
I discovered that I enjoyed Digital Marketing through working with my sponsors. I moved into PR for Equestrian Business Owners and Riders and successfully combined this with my Equestrian Coaching practice.
I enjoy being creative in the moments when I can’t be with horses! I’m riding Salvation in the picture above and share our updates in the Rider Lounge. Come and join me there and tell us your horse stories.
You're 3 steps away from closing your Equestrian Dream Gap
And I’m here to help You

Choose your Coaching Session

Work at your own pace

Train to achieve your riding dreams

Dressage School Online
Online Facilities for Horse Riders. The classroom suite makes it possible to log onto a private or group video call hosted on my website. Each user has a note taking section that they can share with their Coach as well as a private note taking facility. Share video, photos and files to discuss your training with ease during the video calls.
Heroes membership is free and brings you access to the Library and Rider Lounge.
When you sign up for a Dressage School course you will access your course hub where you can achieve badges and certificates as well as unlocking surprise bonus lessons and training.

Rider With A Plan
Show Your Horse You Care
When you join Rider With A Plan you are going to learn new skills. The programme shows you how to create a learning environment that will help you bring calm and consistency to your ridden sessions. Two things that horses really appreciate.
Your horse is going to be able to enjoy your time in the arena because you will be creating a plan to help your horse understand the exercises. The programme helps you to build on their strengths (and yours).
You will get to know yourself and your Rider Headspace with guided reflections and rider tasks that will help you to communicate effectively with your horse.

Heroes Riding Club
The open access library brings you 10 great topics to begin exploring your Equestrian Athlete journey. There is no need to work through the topics in any order so dive in and pick an article. Each article has been designed to introduce an idea and has a quick worksheet to help you reflect on what this might mean for you and your horse.
This is bite sized learning for the busy horse rider. It’s ideal for reading through with a cup of tea and can be filled in online or printed for later.
Everyone should have the opportunity to become a Equestrian Hero
My role as a Coach begins with my belief that it’s my job to help riders to believe in themselves and their horse.
Join Us

You can be your horse’s hero with my Step by Step Guide to creating Your Success Plan.
About me

I have been a qualified Coach for 30 years

I've Coached in 8 countries