Join Heroes Riding Club

Become an Effective Rider.

Discover Your Personal Programme for Schooling.


Learn how to select relevant exercises whilst you are riding without spending hours searching for floorplans or inspiration.

Rider With A Plan provides you with clarity, coach support and weekly ridden exercises. A powerful formula for riding with confidence and feeling fabulous. 

The 12 week programme will guide you and help you to enjoy schooling your horse.

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Free Guide

Hi there, I'm Alison!

My job as a Coach is to select appropriate exercises and teach Riders how and when to use them to build on their strengths. I help Riders to believe in themselves and their horse. 

I know that working with a Coach full time might be difficult so I created Rider With A Plan to give you access to my coaching system. You have lifetime access to all the resources so you can work through at your own pace.

Remember that I am on hand in the Rider Lounge to support you and answer questions as well as hosting regular online classes exclusively for those who join the Rider With A Plan Programme. 

designed this course to help you make the most of your riding time and your training budget. 

I concentrate on simple steps and super strengths.

Riders will thrive in the training arena when they have coach guidance and a collection of exercises to ride, clear explanations for how and why to choose the exercises and a simple way to evaluate their progress with their horse. 

Join Rider With A Plan


Self Belief.


If you are looking for Pro Coaching to help you create your schooling plan you are in the right place. 

Join the Rider With A Plan programme 
and learn how to take confident action. You will have a plan that suits you and your horse.

  • Clear and relevant process.

  • Plan for practice, performance and reflection. 

  • Coach guidance and support.

  • Manage your plan and save your favourite exercises with the App.

Book Your Place

Beat the Uncertain Feeling 

I have created Rider With A Plan to help horse riders who want to get better at schooling.
We focus on building a partnership with your horse and choosing the best exercises for making progress.
When you combine clarity of purpose and process with Coach support and guidance you have a powerful formula for riding with confidence and feeling fabulous.

Programme Delivery

  • Your Rider With A Plan Hub is now OPEN. Inside you will find workbooks, videos and space for taking personal notes. 
  • The Lounge is your space to ask questions about the monthly topics and connect with other riders. 
  • Work through the programme at your own pace. Each week, allow 3 to 4 hours  to complete the programme including your schooling time. 
  • You need your own horse to join Rider With A Plan. The Course is about developing your knowledge & skill as a Rider to develop a training programme for your horse. 
  • As you work through the course you can unlock bonus content, digital badges to remind you of the progress you and your horse are making and some extra surprises. 
Book Your Place Now

A Special Moment

I’d like to tell you a story about leaving my comfort zone and trying a new exercise not so long ago! 
I was competing at Elementary level and had a good understanding or so I thought of leg yield and how to present it. I was however getting inconsistent results and couldn’t work out why.

I went for a coaching session and was dismayed to see what felt like hundreds of poles. I had no idea what we would be doing and hoped my horse would stay calm.

I followed instructions not wanting to admit that I still felt clueless and uneasy. The instructions were sparse like the Bake Off Final Technical Challenge. Ride over first pole then turn and ride to the next pole and keep going to the middle of the rest of the poles remembering your half halt for balance.

I was in walk and almost as apprehensive as being in the start box.

I went on my way allowing my gaze to hold the line. My ex event horse happier than ever and focussed on the line.

Then I felt it, a sideways step to make a connection to my outside rein and my half halt seemed more relevant than ever, receiving the step and supporting our balance on the line.

I was leg yielding in walk with the biggest grin. Trot followed and I had the lightbulb moment of feel that gave me a new insight into the task whilst feeling fantastic.

I love sharing the ingredients and process for creating your own show stopping moments in training,

When you develop the feel and the understanding to perform new exercises, schooling becomes the most amazing adventure. 

I have used my Coaching and Riding experience to create a programme that will help you and your horse to find the connection you need to flow around the arena. 

The weekly tasks and exercises guide you to learn how to make these mini personal breakthroughs consistently so that you have a skill set you need to move up a level, to develop your partnership and to feel good about schooling days because you are now a Rider With A Plan. 

Join the Course Today

Rider Reflections.

Riders who use the programme say that they have a new understanding of riding different patterns and movements in the school.
Understanding how and when to use these exercises helps them to go further than they had hoped and to enjoy fine tuning their performance. 

When I change myself, I change my horse’s performance.

It’s about the small details that enhance your ride and develop your Feel.


Now It’s Your Turn.

 Show Your Horse You Care

When you join Rider With A Plan you are going to learn new skills. The programme shows you how to create a learning environment that will help you bring calm and consistency to your ridden sessions. Two things that horses really appreciate.

Your horse is going to be able to enjoy your time in the arena because you will be creating a plan to help your horse understand the exercises. The programme helps you to build on their strengths (and yours).

You will get to know yourself and your Rider Headspace with guided reflections and rider tasks that will help you to communicate effectively with your horse.

Sign Up Today

Take a New Look at what you want to be able to do with your horse.  

 Imagine riding around your arena with your horse. With a clear plan for your horse you become free to enjoy riding in your arena.  

When we start the programme you are going to have a lot of exercises to consider and a full programme of learning so it won’t be easy to master your new plan straight away because there are no quick fixes.

But when we get it right and you commit to engaging with the programme then you will learn not only how to improve your horse but also how to create adaptable plans to continue your development as a Rider AND a new set of skills and floorplans to school your horse. 

Secure Your Place

Download the Free Guide:

 Schooling to Make A Difference.

Your Guide is Ready 

Download your guide and start designing your programme with confidence and clarity. Create your plan before you ride.

I always put horses first. My Coach ethos is centred around learning new skills and sharing insights. 

I still compete and train. I know what it feels like to celebrate milestones and to face challenges. 
My approach includes considering how my horse is feeling and reacting to my questions. 
Over the past 30 years, I've helped riders around the world to build a great connection with their horses. I have been lucky to love and ride many horses too so I know what it’s like to care for and train horses.
Pictured below is the lovely Veteran horse Salvation, competing with me at Vale View where we placed 10th in the Cavago 2023 British Dressage Associated Championships. 

Kind Words 

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