Your Personal Profile Online. Quick and Easy to set up. Be Ready to Promote Your Personal Brand.
When you join the Equestrian All Stars Team you are becoming a member of a group of riders that are ready to shine.
You will have a webpage with a unique URL that you can share as part of your digital marketing campaigns. You will also have Alison’s support to maximise your rider strengths and celebrate your partnership with your horse. Alison will help you to craft an online profile that elevates your personal brand.
Grow Your Audience
Attract Sponsorship
Celebrate Your Horse
Skip the technical overwhelm
Alison created the Equestrian All Stars Team so that you can enjoy the process of collating the information and then have fun sharing your own profile page without having to worry about the design or publishing process.

Easy Set Up
Alison will send you a checklist to make sure you complete the simple steps needed to set up your profile page. From selecting your favourite photos to filling in the copy templates, you will have all you need to complete the set up smoothly.

Market Your Personal Brand
This is your chance to tell the equestrian community about the partnership you have with your horse. You can customise your profile with your colours, add a logo and so much more to promote your unique style and online presence.

Team Support that grows with You
When you join the Equestrian All Stars Team you have the opportunity to work with Alison and at times your team mates to build your online network. You can add on bolt on packages such as email broadcasts, sponsorship profile pages or Digital Media training with Alison. Alison will run workshops for the community on topics such as Brand Identity and Content Creation Brainstorms.
Hi there, I'm Alison!
I love horses. It’s hard for me to go a day without being involved in the care of my favourite friends. I have always felt a connection to horses.
I enjoy Dressage because of the magical feeling of communicating through a language shared and agreed with my horse. It’s partly intuition, an emotional connection yet it’s also a clearly set out system for developing a partnership with your horse. The shapes and patterns that we describe together are a form of art. Science plays a part in horsemanship too. To form a bond with a horse we go beyond the hours spent riding. We treat our horses as equal partners and make sure they have the best of care.
More About MeI know what it’s like when you need to raise your rider profile to attract sponsorship. I have worked both as a brand manager and I have helped riders secure sponsorship.
I am also a rider who loves to celebrate the horses in my life!
I decided it was time to share my knowledge and experience to help you promote yourself.
Have a look at some of my recent projects including my Dressage School Online, an example of an All Stars Horse Profile page featuring my horse Salvation and why not join me for free in the CIMSPA Digital Marketing Hub where I host a group.
You're 3 steps away from transforming your online presence
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Sign Up to Equestrian All Stars
When you sign up you will receive complete instructions for curating your content, choosing your photos and design features to send back to Alison who will build your page for you and send you a handy guide for making the most out of your new profile.

2. Have a look around & get comfortable
Equestrian All Stars offer you a friendly and supportive team experience. Look at our team pages, settle down with the guides and get ready to thoroughly enjoy developing your brand identity online.

3. Build Your Profile with Alison’s help.
Alison will guide you through the process of creating a profile page. This is just the beginning as you will learn how to share your story, engage with your audience, discover how to apply for brand ambassador roles and pitch for sponsorship.
Our Triple S framework will help you to launch your Digital Profile & Personal Brand.
Simply apply to join the team and Alison will help you to create your ultimate Rider Bio.

Spotlight Your Horse
Every horse is a Star and the profile page templates will help you to introduce your horse.

Signpost to Your Links
Your page acts like a micro site making it possible for you to link to your social profiles and other connections such as your favourite brands.

Sponsorship Showcase
As an Equestrian All Star you have an opportunity to elevate your sponsorship bids with your page content.

Download Your Memory Book:
3 Ways to Celebrate Your Horse that Every Rider will want to know about.
Your Free Guide
This is your invitation to create a new memory book celebrating your horse. Inside you will find guided Coach reflection exercises created to help you remember your horse and the journey you are taking together. I will help you to move forwards together from a place of positive focus.
Inside you will find templates that help you collate the photos that sit lonely on your phone. I’m asking members of our Equestrian All Stars Team to share their photo walls with us in the All Stars Inner Circle . These will be your digital photo collages to share wherever you choose.
Every horse and rider can be a member of the All Stars Team. The guide will offer some guidance on developing your social media plan, approaching and working with sponsors and the simple steps you can take to create your Digital Media Profile.