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The No 1 Reason Horse Riders Keep Going when they canā€™t help feeling lost.

equitation mindset Aug 17, 2022

The Rider With A Plan programme was created to help horse riders to overcome doubt, confusion and uncertainty. Read on to find out the No 1 reason why I believe horse riders are so resilient.  
Horse Owners are no stranger to challenges and the need to be adaptable, ready to drop everything at a moments notice to respond to the needs of their horse.

The speed bumps in our equestrian journey and unexpected diversions contribute to our resilience levels. Though the frustration and human emotions are valid and unsurprising, they have to be acknowledged and processed. Riders need to nurture their headspace to be able to thrive in the face of uncertainty.
I am convinced the reason we keep going as equestrians is that we love our horses. We can’t necessarily explain or articulate our connection but it’s a pull, a subconscious cord of connection between our souls. 

An important question to reflect on is “Why do we ride?” The answers may change at different points in our equestrian life but having the awareness of our “why” can help to motivate and inspire us, to strengthen our resolve on the toughest of days.

I believe whilst schooling will always have its challenges, it shouldn’t feel like a speed bump or something we put off. I want every horse and rider to enjoy flatwork and the reason I created Rider With A Plan is to coach riders to find their smile in the arena.

I coach riders to be patient and to ride with an empathy that will help their horse thrive. I coach because I love horses too and it makes me happy to be able to help riders build a great partnership with their horse.