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First Online Dressage Show for Equestrian Heroes in 2024

competition equitation Dec 15, 2023

Experience the excitement and challenge of competing online at our very first Online Dressage Show. We have teamed up with Virtual Horse Sport to create a competition that all riders will enjoy.

It’s simple to enter and then comes the fun part. Record your test, remembering to film in landscape and to hold up a sign with your name, your horse’s name, the class entered and the date. The other important part to remember is that once you have ridden your halt and final salute, keep the camera rolling for the tack check. You are going to show your bit and your horse’s mouth, your spurs if you wear them and your horse’s sides. There is a video tutorial on the show page. 

There are a huge range of classes for both English and Western riders so take a look at the show schedule to choose your tests. Join me in the Rider Lounge to discuss your test riding plans and let’s work on preparing to ride your best test together. I really enjoyed riding with Virtual Horse Sport last season, Salvation and I competed “in” Hawaii and Tuscon! This is your invitation to join riders from all around the world to compete together. 

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