Join the January Challenge to Realise Your Competition Dream.

Join the Challenge

Believe in Yourself 

21 Day January Challenge

Prime your mind for the training sessions and hard work ahead with the 21 Day Challenge to set you and your horse up for success in 2024. 

Start Here

Feel Proud of your achievements as a partnership.

Train to achieve your competition goals.

Boost your energy, motivation and horse riding know how.

I’d like to tell you a story about a rider who ended up learning a lot about her horse and how to work with her to enjoy competitions together. 

When Olivia signed up for the challenge she was feeling lonely and uncertain what to do next to improve her relationship with her horse. Her horse was not interested in being in the arena and neither of them were really sure what to expect from the other.

The chance to start a new riding programme appealed to Olivia but she didn’t have much time in her day. A short challenge that needed 20 minutes a day to work out her way forward for the season caught her imagination.

Not entirely convinced, Olivia signed up looking forward to a chance to connect with other riders and work out what they were doing pre season.

Olivia was sceptical that an online riding club would work for her. She was worried it would either be too tech or another social platform to feed with her time and energy..

Does this story resonate with you? Would you be willing to put your uncertainty on one side and join the January Challenge?  

What does January look like to you at the moment?

Picture this:

  • Rain. Mud. Dark Evenings. It’s easy to see how we can doubt that we will be able to recreate that winning feeling.

  • Noticing other riders posting their showreels whilst we might be feeling gloomy. Then that tiny spark of joy with your horse that gives you a glimpse of things to come.

  • Kind words from another rider remind you who you are.

  • You have inside knowledge about your horse. You know them better than anyone. They trust you. Now it’s time to trust yourself. It’s time to take the challenge and realise your competition dreams. 

Believe In Yourself

Skip the endless hours of uncertainty!

We know that we are living in a time where there is more information available online than we could even hope to process in a lifetime.

Everything can be searched for online with a wonderful opportunity to learn about horses a click away.

Yet getting ready to ride it’s easy to feel isolated and looking at your horse with a degree of uncertainty.

What if you could connect with a community of riders, guided by a Coach with the option to privately work through information and insights that are relevant to you?

The need for privacy can be as intense as the need to check in with other riders. Social Media has brought us many positives. Social networking can also bring pressure to riders when we are feeling vulnerable.

Why is an online riding club a safe space to learn? 
Heroes brings you information that you can download, process and perhaps use without an algorithm analysing your data decisions.

It’s private because only you can see your library choices. You can work through challenges and courses at your own pace. 
The Rider Lounge is a private online club room where you can chat, share your stories or join meet ups. 

Ride This Way

I have been in your shoes wondering how to reconnect with my Rider Identity. I discovered a simple process for boosting my belief. 

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want to find that winning feeling again 

Over the past 30 number of years, I've helped hundreds of people achieve a winning partnership with their horse. 

Mike and Livy 

Transform Your Riding Performance with the


Designed to help you overcome uncertainty and doubt as your train to achieve your dream rides with your horse:

Prime your mind for every ride and set yourself up for success. Achieve your competition goals this year.

Enroll Now

The 21 Day Challenge is Filled With

Fun, Easy and Quick to Complete Exercises that will Boost Your Motivation & Horse Riding Know How.

Log in and head over to the Library where you will find a new exercise unlocked each morning. Join the conversation in the Lounge and save the date for the Meet Up and Challenge Graduation. 



Performance Journal




Warm Up




Clarity & Confidence 


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Kind Words

"I have really enjoyed the 21 Day Challenge and the fantastic work Alison has done on this.

Plenty of prompts to make you consider your goal setting and raise awareness of mindfulness.

 Excellent tools to help you think about what you want and how you are going to achieve it.”

"Highly recommend checking out Alison, she uses her wealth of knowledge and expertise to support riders with their mindsets and so much more.

I have learnt lots from her recently and can’t wait to put my warm up strategy and mindset into practice this coming weekend.

It’s been absolutely incredible to work through this challenge and to chat to these wonderful people. Alison has been so incredibly helpful and I’ve learnt so much.”

Enroll Now

What do I get with the January Challenge?

The Challenge is run inside Heroes Riding Club so you get all the benefits of the free membership as well as the daily exercises.


Realise Your Competition Dream. 

21Daily exercises, your personal workbook and space to work through the exercises at your leisure.

Equestrian Heroes App

Take your Riding Club resources with you wherever you go with the App. Check into your Library, visit the Lounge and scroll through your resources in one place. No need to remember passwords and bookmark all your information. The App has been designed to support you at home and away. 

Your Challenge Workbook.

Download the PDF Workbook and you have the option to fill it in on your device or print it off to read and revisit.

Private Rider Lounge.

This is your exclusive space to chat to other riders around the world. There are extra challenges to work through, a help desk to ask your burning questions and a Meet Up tab that you will use to log in to the live meetings.

Personal Library.

Learn to love reading and researching with a wide range of articles and mini courses designed to support busy riders with bite sized learning opportunities.

Complete the Challenge & Win.

I am excited to offer an extra incentive to complete the Challenge. Look out for instructions inside your hub to be in with a chance to win a place on my signature programme Rider With A Plan or Rider Credits for Dressage School Online.

Enroll Now

What's My Time Comittment?

When it will only take you 20 minutes a day to complete the Challenge, Why wait to get started?

Start now and make 2024 the year you start your competition season with confidence and clarity ready to achieve your dreams!

ÂŁ0 monthly payments

Free Challenge

Heroes RC Membership Included

  • Challenge Workbook
  • Digital Rosette & Certificate
  • Exclusive Membership 
  • Access to Lounge & Library
  • Awesome prizes up for grabs

What about Bonuses?

Wait there is more to support you on your 2024 Adventures!


Invitation to Gold Launch Party.

Upgrade your membership for free with my Gold Launch Party. A few clicks and you can claim 4 months free with no obligation and the option to unsubscribe any time. Take advantage of the offer to unlock your e training and more. (Valued at ÂŁ8.99 each month)

Organise Your Schooling in 3 planning sessions.

The Ready Set Go Challenge is waiting for you in the Rider Lounge. This workbook will coach you to set goals that help you and your horse have fun. 

Digital Rosette to share on socials.

Complete the challenge and choose your style of digital rosette to share on your social feed or to create unique wallpaper for your phone. 

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Fantastic Value

"With the countdown officially on for Area Festivals, the focus of this challenge couldn’t be better suited for me."

The 21 days are all about clearly visualising your chosen path, accepting some of the inevitable diversions along the way and creating the space to enjoy the whole journey.

Today’s challenge encouraged me to think about my horse’s wellbeing and the routine I’ve got him in to make sure he’s well rested and ready for training.

"Finished journaling all my thoughts about the challenge… I feel more on tune with what I want to achieve by the end of the year.

Spent the last hour chatting with some lovely humans to mark the completion of our 21 Day Challenge.

Today is about headspace for riding. Personally headspace is the hardest thing about having young horses. They need us to be on our best everyday.”

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You may be wondering...

Hi there, I'm Alison!

I really enjoy the process of preparing for competitions. Whether I’m riding my own horse or coaching others in readiness for their next challenge it gives me a real buzz to focus on developing a partnership.

I’m a BHS Accredited Professional Coach. I’m a Performance Centre Manager, Senior Coach and a Centre10 Advanced Coach. I hold the UKCC3, I’m a BD Recognised Coach and Judge and an experienced Mentor.

You are in safe hands when you train with me. I believe that everyone has the potential to grow into the Rider they want to be.

I can’t wait to chat to you in the Rider Lounge.

Join the Challenge.
We Start on Wednesday

Ride this way 🏇









Get Started